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Falling Whale Blogs

  • Cocktails for hockey fans

    Cocktails For Hockey Fans

    What goes best with drinking? Watching sports with friends while doing it of course!

    And if your sport of choice is hockey then knowing these specialty hockey themed cocktails can get everyone in your group into the hockey mindset. 

  • Top 5 Pokemon companions to have during the apocalypse

    Top 5 Pokémon Companions To Have During The Apocalypse

    The apocalypse just hit. You live in a world of Pokemon. Life is dangerous. But which Pokemon companion would be best to have by your side to help you survive this scary new world? We got the top 5 right here!
  • two blue nuclear drinks

    Cocktails For A Nuclear Winter

    When those bombs hit and the world is destroyed and the ensuing firestorms create enough soot to block out the sun, we will be in a nuclear winter and you know what? You need a drink. We have curated a...

  • Top Ten Currencies To Use After Nuclear War

    Top Ten Currencies To Use After Nuclear War

    The Bomb has dropped and the dust has settled, the earth is safe to travel again. As people pour out from the cracks of the crust and the safety of their shelters, they wander the wasteland just trying to survive. 
  • Best Places To Be After A Nuclear Blast

    Best Places To Be After A Nuclear Blast

    If a nuclear blast comes near you that's not going to be a good time. But assuming you are not so close to the blast that you die instantly there are some places that would be nice to be at. Places that could save your life or help you avoid the oncoming radiation. 
  • Most Brutal Dictators In Modern History So Far

    Most Brutal Dictators In Modern History So Far

    There have been many dictators throughout history, but we have created a quick list of the most brutal ones in modern times so you don't have to learn about them all. That would be too much work and you got things to do.
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