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By Skyler Hardegree

Top 5 most played cards in our football drinking game.

Have you been enjoying our live football drinking game Watch Football, Get Drunk or thinking about buying it? Learn below what the top 5 most played Secret Play cards are so you know what cards you should to hold onto on your next game night!

In our game everyone is dealt 3 Secret Play cards that tell you an action to look out for during a live football game on TV. If one of those actions happen during the live game then you get to make someone drink. But you also have the opportunity to discard a Secret Play card in exchange for a new one.

DON'T discard the following 5 cards as they happen the most during a live football game. You will want to keep them in your hand as long as you can so you can keep the drinks flowing. 


5. Play Clock Stops At 9 Seconds Or Less Card

The play clock will run down for every play so you will always need to keep your eye on that time when you have this card in your hand. There will be many times when a team will run the play clock down to 9 or below, either from just normally setting up a play or to purposefully run down the game clock.


4. Ball Is Kicked Card

You might not realize it, but the ball is kicked ALL THE TIME. A kickoff to start a half, a punt, and a field goal attempt will always happen in every game many many times. This is a great card to have every time you play our game. Don't let this one slip away.


3. Secret Play Payback Card

This card is one of the more strategic card in the deck as it doesn't necessarily have to do with what just happened in the live football game everyone is watching. If someone forces you to drink then this card lets you force anyone you want to drink.

This will be used all the time because our game is designed to have everyone hand out drinks consistently. It is also hilarious to be told to drink by someone only to tell them to take a drink right back. This card also slips under the radar of detection since some players forget these non-football related cards are in the deck. So you might be able to hold this card all game long.


2. First Down Card

Teams are striving to get first downs and they get them all the time. Even if the ball is turned over and possession changes it just became first down for that team. It's obviously first down more than any other down so this card will happen a ton!

This card might also fly under the radar of detection because usually something happens to cause it to become first down for a team and that will throw off the other people in the room as they will think what caused the first down (conversion, punt, turnover) is the card you have.


1. Clock Stopped Card

We have found that this card gets played the most as the game clock really does get stopped all the time. Incomplete pass. Clock stopped. Run out of bounds. Clock stopped. A team scores. Clock stopped. Change of possession. Clock stopped. Time out. Clock stopped.

This card will let you order other people to drink so much that you might get caught, but if you can find a way to keep this card in your hand then all your friends are in for a fuzzy night.



If you want to learn more about our live hockey drinking game click the following link: WATCH FOOTBALL, GET DRUNK

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