260 Cards To Get Everyone Smashed!
Designed to keep everyone's focus on the actual live game while handing out plenty of drinks.
Perfect for huge soccer fans and non-fans alike!
For Your Eyes Only!
Everyone gets dealt these cards at the start of the game.
These cards indicate what to look out for during the live soccer (football) game.
If one of your actions happen then you get to order someone to drink!
During live play if you are told to drink by another player because of their Secret Play card, you can take a single guess as to what that secret action is. If correct you can make them drink instead.
They will then have to replace that card with a new one.
Keep Commercial Breaks Interesting!
Half Time cards are to be played during commercial breaks of the live game.
All players are to take turns drawing these cards and reading what they say.
These cards will make breaks fun and will ensure everyone gets to hand out plenty of drinks.
They consist of trivia, challenges, group votes, mini games, and more!
Free Mini Foam Ball
Mini foam ball included with every game to use with the Penalty Kick mini game card.
Big Moments Deserve Big Drinks!
These cards will always be visible to everyone and are for celebrating big moments in the live game.