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By Skyler Hardegree

Top 5 most played cards in our hockey drinking game.

Have you been enjoying our live hockey drinking game Watch Hockey, Get Drunk or thinking about buying it? Learn below what the top 5 most played Secret Play cards are so you know what cards you should to hold onto on your next game night!

In our game everyone is dealt 3 Secret Play cards that tell you an action to look out for during a live hockey game on TV. If one of those actions happen during the live game then you get to make someone drink. But you also have the opportunity to discard a Secret Play card in exchange for a new one.

DON'T discard the following 5 cards as they happen the most during a live hockey game. You will want to keep them in your hand as long as you can so you can keep the drinks flowing. 



hockey drinking game replay card

This is a great card to try to keep in your hand because after a lot of whistles the TV broadcast will show a replay while the refs get ready to drop the puck again. Not every time, but a good amount of time.

Some players don't catch on to this and think the card you have has to do with the play that just happened that the replay is referencing so if you are lucky you can keep this card in your hand for a long time.

And if you are playing this game in person at an arena then the venue will always be playing an instant replay on the jumbotron. 




hockey drinking game puck card

The puck goes out of play WAY more than you think. Whether it goes over the glass, into the safety net, or into the benches, the puck is consistently going out of play.

Making sure you don't trade in this card will mean you should be constantly handing out a ton of drinks to your competitors. 




hockey drinking game faceoff away card
hockey drinking game faceoff home card

Number 3 on our list is a tie between two cards. Any time there is a stoppage of play there will be a faceoff. After every puck out of play, penalty, offside, goal, period start, icing, every single whistle. 

These cards might have the most use and it is possible to have both in your hand at once. If you do then you might be the one to hand out the most drinks during the game. Lets just hope nobody catches on and forces you to swap them out.




hockey drinking game payback card

This card is one of the more strategic card in the deck as it doesn't necessarily have to do with what just happened in the live hockey game everyone is watching. If someone forces you to drink then this card lets you force anyone you want to drink.

This will be used all the time because our game is designed to have everyone hand out drinks consistently. It is also hilarious to be told to drink by someone only to tell them to take a drink right back. This card also slips under the radar of detection since some players forget these non-hockey related cards are in the deck. So you might be able to hold this card all game long.




hockey drinking game crowd card

You might not think it, but this card will get used so much during live play. Most games you will watch on TV have big crowds that have big reactions to everything happening on the ice. The crowd will ooooooo and awwwwww ALL THE TIME!

They do it for big hits, hard shots, post hits, near misses, fancy dekes, big saves, and many other things. It's not something you might alway pick up when watching a game normally.

The best part of this card is that it is very hard for your opponents to detect you have it. The rules of the game say that if you tell someone to drink because of one of your cards they can take a single guess as to what your card is and if correct you have to drink instead and discard that card for a new one. But this card flies under the radar because the crowd reaction is usually for something exciting that just happened in the game and your opponents will think your card has to do with that and typically isn't thinking about the crowd.

So this cards big use and ability to not be detected makes this card the most dangerous card is the game in our opinion. Use it well!




If you want to learn more about our live hockey drinking game click the following link: WATCH HOCKEY, GET DRUNK

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