WATCH WRESTLING, GET DRUNK - Live On Kickstarter! Click Here.
  • WATCH MOVIES, GET DRUNK - The Live Movie Drinking Game box
  • WATCH MOVIES, GET DRUNK - The Live Movie Drinking Game back
  • WATCH MOVIES, GET DRUNK - The Live Movie Drinking Game open box
  • WATCH MOVIES, GET DRUNK - The Live Movie Drinking Game open with cards
  • WATCH MOVIES, GET DRUNK - The Live Movie Drinking Game everything out
  • WATCH MOVIES GET DRUNK card example
  • Works With Any Movie
  • Can Be Played With 2+ Players
  • 325 Cards!
Regular price £23.92
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Who We Are

Hey lookie loos, we are Skyler and Spencer Hardegree, the creators of party games you love...or will love.

Our story is a simple one. We play a bunch of card game/board games and thought one day "Why don't we make one? We is smart 'nough." So we pitched different ideas to each other and finally settled on the game now known as Dukes Of Nukes.

We made a rough prototype of the game using cut paper with sharpie. We played it with family and made many many tweeks. Added new cards, cut cards that didn't work, tried different rules, you name it. After many attempts we finally got it to what we think is perfect.

We then named the cards, created the artwork, and got a professional prototype made.

We then launched our Kickstarter and were successful! We used the money to place our first order with our manufacture. We received our games and shipped to all our backers and listed it for sale on our website and on Amazon.

We then started brainstorming new game ideas. One brainstorming session lead to an idea of a drinking game you play while watching a live hockey game since we are both big hockey fans.

Though we thought for sure that existed already. We searched the internet a ton and couldn't find a single live sports drinking game. So in July of 2022 we announced that we would be crowdfunding Watch Hockey, Get Drunk.

The success of that game has led us to create more sports drinking games for baseball, football, soccer, and even one for watching live movies.

For the future we have some great ideas for more drinking games and expansions and even some non-drinking games.

So help us our by give us your support so our dream can continue going and going!

We are just 2 brothers who love party games.

Blog posts

  • Top 5 most played cards in our football drinking game.

    Top 5 most played cards in our football drinking game.

    Have you been enjoying our live football drinking game Watch Football, Get Drunk or thinking about buying it? Learn below what the top 5 most played Secret Play cards are so you know what cards you should to hold onto on your next game...

  • hockey drinking game cards

    Top 5 most played cards in our hockey drinking game.

    Have you been enjoying our live hockey drinking game Watch Hockey, Get Drunk or thinking about buying it? Learn below what the top 5 most played Secret Play cards are so you know what cards you should to hold onto...

  • Every NHL Teams BEST Primary Logo In Their History

    Every NHL Teams BEST Primary Logo In Their History

    Most NHL teams have gone through multiple logos throughout the years. Some improve on their design, while others dug their logo out of a steaming garbage can. Below is a list of NHL logos from each teams history that I...

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